.NET 8 Preview 2

Welcome to .NET 8 Preview 2
Hot on the heals of .NET 8 Preview 1 comes Preview 2! This monthly release cycle will continue until .NET 8 is released probably in November. Preview 2 includes some changes including new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations extensions for RequiredAttribute.DisallowAllDefaultValues, RangeAttribute exclusive bounds, LengthAttribute, AllowedValuesAttribute, DenyValuesAttribute and Base64StringAttribute. Also there is new introspection support for function pointers in System.Reflection. This is the ability for reflection to obtain function pointer metadata. Be sure to read the announcement blog here.
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Microsoft Build 2023

The Microsoft BUILD website
It’s the most wonderful time of year! It’s time for Build registration and this year Build will be hybrid. Some lucky people get to go in person and everyone else can attend virtually. Microsoft Build is the premier developer conference of the year. It’s sometimes compared to WWDC and whatever Google’s dev conference is called (Google I/O - I had to look it up), but really it’s better than both of those combined.
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Reinstall USB

A form to request a USB Memory Stick to reinstall Windows
There must have been some backlash over the Windows Insider Program’s channel updates because there was an E-mail sent out to Canary users offering a USB Memory Stick if they don’t already have one. This would be used to create a bootable drive with which to reinsall Windows. I got the code, but when I attempted to enter my address for them to send me the USB stick, the form didn’t have any values in the State drop down.
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Outlook for Mac

Microsoft Outlook running on an Apple Mac Laptop
FREE Software # In an amazing announcement on Monday, Microsoft said that Outlook for Mac is now free to use! All you need to do is use it. There’s no need for a Microsoft 365 account, subscription, or license required. It’ll work with just about any E-mail account from Yahoo!, GMail, iCloud to anything with an IMAP endpoint. Outlook for Mac is built for Apple Silicon. It is a native app designed for macOS.
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Windows Insider Preview Channel Updates

The new channel listings for Windows Insider Previews

The Windows Insider Program is excited to announce a change in the channels for Windows Insider Builds. Starting today there’s a new channel and a restating of what’s in another channel. The new channel is called Canary Channel and it will support preview builds of platform changes. The existing Dev Channel will not be the place for enthusiasts to try out new features and experiences that have long-lead times.

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