FREE Software

In an amazing announcement on Monday, Microsoft said that Outlook for Mac is now free to use! All you need to do is use it. There’s no need for a Microsoft 365 account, subscription, or license required. It’ll work with just about any E-mail account from Yahoo!, GMail, iCloud to anything with an IMAP endpoint.

Outlook for Mac is built for Apple Silicon. It is a native app designed for macOS. It has menu bar peek, notification center reminders, and widget support. With the new handoff feature you can pick up on your iOS device right where you left off on your Mac. Writing a really long E-mail. No problem.


Coming soon is a new feature that will allow you to have multiple personalities in Outlook. Imagine having an Outlook Profile setup for your work E-mail and one for your personal E-mail.

A demonstration of Outlook Profiles in Outlook for Mac

Question Though

So, I’m thinking: Why Now? Well, lately some friends and I have noticed that in Outlook on our iOS phones requires Edge to be installed to open links. That is that when you click on a link in Outlook for iOS it opens the App Store to Edge if you don’t have it installed and it opens Edge if you do have it installed. Even if your default browser is something else. This is quite annoying and I’m wondering if they are going to do that with the new free Outlook for Mac as well. This may be a, albeit expensive, ploy to get people to install Outlook just to force them into installing Edge later. Let me know if you think I’m just being paranoid here, but TANSTAAFL.